Meet Dr. Frank Rizzo
Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon serving Knoxville, TN.
About Dr. Rizzo
Knox OMS is pleased to introduce Dr. Frank Rizzo, DMD to our team. He migrated south from the Chicago area to join Knox OMS in July upon completion of his residency program.
Dr Rizzo graduated Cum Laude from his dentistry program at the University of Louisville School of Dentistry.
He completed his residency program at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois, with a strong focus in dentoalveolar surgery, implantology, office anesthesia, orthognathic surgery, trauma, benign pathology, and TMJ surgery.
Dr Rizzo has spent time with family in the Nashville area, driving his passion for the state of Tennessee. He enjoys fishing and the outdoors. His enthusiasm for patient care is infectious, and the team is enjoying working with him.
Meet Our Doctors
At Knoxville Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, P.C., in Knoxville, TN, Drs. Emery and Rizzo have advanced training to ensure that the results of your oral surgery exceed you expectations.